About us

The collective human psychology combined with our own emotions & distinctive experience remains an endless inspiration for stoïque to create new garments, each new design a genuine attempt to open up new perspectives and to push conflicting dialogues forward.

With every series of garments we aim to study traditional patterns from different ethnocultural origins and subsequently interpret in the individual pattern language while speaking the poetry of simplicity.

We attempt at minimising details and cultural connotation, while maximising comfort for the wearer and therefore proposing an experience that works from within.


Unlike classic western approach of confining and shaping the body, we at stoïque provide the body the luxury and freedom to shape the garment. Our designs are executed in carefully sourced, refined quality fabrics of natural fibres, all contributing elements inducing ones awareness and state of mind.

The colours are rather muted, some un-dyed and in their loom form, with bright hues for an element of surprise.

Our pieces are made for modern day city life while slowly and carefully playing their humble role in finding connection and meaning.

They see no boundary, no limitation, no restriction, no exclusions. The conventional silhouette is applied and each individual garment leaves room for interpretation and endearing openness.